How to stream games on a PlayStation?
The PlayStation 4 can also stream directly to Twitch. The PlayStation controller has a Share button on it that you can use to start the process—but as usual, you’ll have to link your accounts first. To do this:
Go to Settings > Account Management > Link with Other Services.
Select Twitch and sign in to your Twitch account.
Then, launch the game you want to play. To broadcast:
While playing the game, press the Share button.
Choose an online service. We’ll use Twitch, but the PS4 also supports YouTube out of the box. Sign in to your streaming account if prompted.
To adjust your broadcast while streaming, you can use the “Options” button to open the “Advanced Broadcast” menu.
Of all the platforms, the PS4 seems the easiest to stream from, as it doesn’t require any special downloads.
You can also use the Share menu to take screenshots or record video clips.